Maximizing the lifespan of your garage door with specialists

As one of your home’s largest moving parts, garage doors experience significant wear and tear over years of use. Exposure to outdoor elements accelerates the aging process even further. Without proactive maintenance and care, doors deteriorate quickly, necessitating expensive repairs or replacement. By partnering with professional garage door specialists, you maximize your investment’s lifespan and prevent untimely breakdowns.

Schedule preventative maintenance

Preventative maintenance is the number one lifespan maximizer recommended by oakville garage door installation experts. They advise inspecting doors and hardware at least twice per year, including key points before winter and summer. Technicians check for issues like damaged or loose panels, frayed cables, sagging springs, and worn rollers. Detecting minor problems early allows fixing them before they compound into major failures affecting safety and structural integrity. Something as simple as lubricating rollers and hinges preserves smooth operation. Inspection and tune-ups by seasoned pros spot problems you might overlook.

Keep door movements controlled

Letting garage doors slam violently shortens mechanical lifespan by putting undue stress on cables, pulleys, motors, and hardware. Using automatic door openers prevents abrupt movements by slowly opening and closing doors. Sensors also reverse closing if obstructions occur, preventing forceful impact damage. Manual doors should be slowly and fully opened or closed to prevent uneven wear. High winds can whip doors forcefully when partially open, so keep doors fully closed in windy conditions. Avoid unnecessary cycling that adds repetition wear. Controlled, gradual operation reduces systemic strain.

Choose durable construction materials

A door’s underlying construction and hardware fundamentally determine its maximum lifespan barring unforeseen accidents. Metal doors and hardware simply outlast plastic alternatives susceptible to environmental damage from the sun, heat, cold, and moisture. Where possible, select doors and components made of galvanized, powder-coated, or stainless steel for longevity. Fiberglass offers similar durability to metal minus the potential for rust and denting. Sturdy steel-backed wood doors withstand warping and swelling issues that plague solid wood. Premium construction materials stand the test of time and elements.

Implement weatherproofing measures 

Wind forces test doors’ structural limits. Driving rain seeps into tiny cracks and corrodes hardware. Sun exposure degrades and fades colored finishes. Snow buildup strains moving parts. Adding weather seals between fixed panels, weatherstripping along borders, and bottom door seals prevent drafts and moisture intrusion that accelerate wear. Maintaining exterior paints/stains protects against UV radiation and water infiltration. Keeping rain, snow, and debris from accumulating near doors also prolongs their useful life.

Handle doors with care

No garage door lasts forever with careless, negligent handling. Avoid dragging sharp objects against surfaces that scratch or dent panels. Use vehicle remotes or automatic openers rather than lifting doors manually to minimize strain. Take care not to strike doors with vehicles, sports equipment, lawn tools, etc. Repair any damage promptly before it worsens. Raise and lower doors fully when operating them to prevent uneven panel wear. Being mindful and deliberate day-to-day prevents needless damage from careless accidents.

Upgrade outdated doors

Sometimes an aging door’s lifespan cannot be extended further due to its underlying construction. No amount of maintenance improves deficiencies inherent to outdated building methods. In such cases, replacement is the most pragmatic option for returning to peak performance and longevity. Newer door models benefit from decades of engineering advances. Don’t wait for major problems to request service. Schedule periodic maintenance and repairs proactively to maximize doors’ safe useful lifespan.