Signs of Rat Infestation In Your Home

Americans prepare to warm up in their cozy homes as winter embraces the country, eagerly awaiting the tranquility and serenity the season brings. But among the lovely evenings and sunsets, there is an unexpected issue: a growing amount of rodents. Although many individuals only link pests with summer’s heat and intensity, the winter months have their own set of problems relating to pests. Contact Pointe Pest if you spot rat droppings in your home.

Signs that rats have infested your house

  • Small droppings

If you notice mouse droppings all over your house, it is a big indicator that mice are making your place home. They are often found in any place you store food, such as the pantry, cabinets, storage containers, refrigerators, and more. They resemble small black spots. Rat droppings, on the other hand, will be significantly darker.

Other familiar places to drop spots include within small, enclosed areas (like boxes or old luggage) and around the edges of walls. It is essential to keep little children and dogs away from these droppings since they can get seriously ill if they come into contact with them or ingest them.

  • Squeaking noises

You must get rid of the mice from your home if their loud squeaks and gnawing in the walls have occupied the place of your morning alarm. Mice will take advantage of cracks in your walls or flooring to build a nest, and they will use these openings to get through your property undetected. Mice may be easily recognized by their high-pitched squeak and distinctive foot scamper, which shows they are noisy animals despite the fact they are small in size. Since mice are nocturnal creatures and will be mostly active at night, pay attention before going to bed.

  • Gnawing sounds

Do you continue to encounter tiny cracks everywhere you go in your house? Mice could be the culprits. Nothing will stop these rats from chewing through almost anything, including waste bags and food boxes containing cereal or pastries, if they smell anything good on the other side. Mice will also gnaw on wood or other complex objects in order to keep their teeth sharp. Inspect your walls, furnishings, and any pipes or cables that are entering your home for any scratches or gashes. If they keep on nibbling, your home could experience significant plumbing or electrical damage.

Since mice are known to consume pet food, it is expected that hungry mice are the result of small holes in your feed bags.

  • Your cat or dog is acting differently.

If your dog or cat is continuously scratching or howling in certain parts of the house, it might be another indication that mice have invaded your home. They have outstanding hearing, so the slightest sound of another animal might set them into chaos.

Furthermore, be careful to prevent your dogs from consuming any dead mice they come across—mainly if you use poison inside your home. If not, there is a possibility that your pet will ingest the body and get poisoned.